Friday, February 25, 2011

Lolas and Kisses and More!

I arrived to South America three weeks from today!  And I leave in 5 months from yesterday.  AHH!  I'm trying to make the most of each day. 

I recently realized that I haven't updated about who I'm living with here!  In my apartment, it is just me and my host mom, Silivia, 46.  She is reeally sweet.  She gives me dulce de leche literally EVERY morning for breakfast!  Emily (the other girl here from Michigan) lives on the same floor (6th) of the same apartment building!  Her mom is the mother of my mom. 

This lady, Nelly (the grandma) is quite the hoot.  My nickname here is Lola.  Lola is the word for "boob".  She calls me it and giggles and even introduces me as Lola to all of her friends!  She is quite the social butterfly.  I think she knows practically everyone in the building.  She always dances around the kitchen singing "Lola tiene lolas, Lola tiene lolas" (Lola has boobs. Lola has boobs.)  She only does it becasue I get all embarrassed and she thinks it's funny.  Or she's shove a melon at my chest and say "melon" and start laughing.  She's taught me a plethera of naughty words and what girls and guys call each body part.  Now and then, she'll grab my shirt in the front and pull it down, saying I need to show more! The first time she did it, I yelled "hokey toots!" It totally caught me off guard because I couldn't understand her and I didn't know why she was trying to undress me!  She is just hilarious :) At the same time, she's very confident and very set in her ways.  You don't mess with her! haha Also, she tells her friends that someday, they'll see me on the TV because I was born to be a star.  (I really like this lady =D) And she's an excellent cook! 

For dinner each night, which we begin at around 9 or 10, we eat as one big happy family.  It's always at least Me, Silvia, Nelly, and Emily.  Sometimes, Nelly's son will join, or Silvia's (my host mom's) daughters.  Her daughters are 30 and 28 years old.  One sometimes comes with her boyfriend.  The two daughters have never come on the same night, I don't understand why.  A niece also joins us sometimes!  She's a teenager and really nice.  One of Silvia's daughters, Cicilia, is super dee dooper nice.  I was having a day last week when I was very frustrated with the language and really getting down on myself.  She spent the whole evening talking with me and giving me practice and the opportunity to ask random questions. 

Oh! one random culture difference, is that fact that we kiss each other on the right cheek every time we say hello or goodbye.  It doesn't matter gender, or strangers, or what.  Not gonna lie, the first time a guy professor walked into my classroom and kissed the other guy professor, I was a little caught of guard!  At first I was super awkward and would hesitate or just run to the next room, not knowing how to greet people, I am so much better! I love it!  It's such a lovey happy thing!  Sometimes I leave and come back just so I have the excuse to get kisses on the cheek!  Okay that's a lie.  I probably still don't do it as much as I should, because my name's Karen and I'm awkward, but I'm getting better! 

Caution: When I return to the states, y'all better get your pucker faces ready, cuz I'ma gonna kiss you all!!! Prepare yourself.  Also, I went to a Catholic church last week and instead of hand-shaking and saying "may peace be with you", they all kiss on the cheek and say it! 

Mar del Plata soon!  I bought a 2AM bus ticket so I'm leaving soon.  Swim suit packed and soon I'm off!

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